Tutorial for creating a plugin
Introduction: what is a plugin, and what tutorial will be about ?
- The Quantum Package is split into two kinds of routines/global variables (i.e. providers):
the core modules locatedin qp2/src/, which contains all the bulk of a quantum chemistry software (integrals, matrix elements between Slater determinants, linear algebra routines, DFT stuffs etc..)
the plugins which are external routines/providers connected to the qp2/src/ routines/providers.
More precisely, a plugin of the Quantum Package is a directory where you can create routines, providers and executables that use all the global variables/functions/routines already created in the modules of qp2/src or in other plugins.
Instead of giving a theoretical lecture on what is a plugin, we will go through a series of examples that allow you to do the following thing:
print out one- and two-electron integrals on the AO/MO basis, creates two providers which manipulate these objects, print out these providers,
browse the Slater determinants stored in the EZFIO wave function and compute their matrix elements,
build the Hamiltonian matrix and diagonalize it either with Lapack or Davidson,
print out the one- and two-electron rdms,
obtain the AOs and MOs on the DFT grid, together with the density,
How the tutorial will be done
This tuto is as follows:
you READ THIS FILE UNTIL THE END in order to get the big picture and vocabulary,
you go to the directory
and you will find detailed tutorials for each of the 5 examples.
Creating a plugin: the basic
The first thing to do is to be in the QPSH mode: you execute the qp2/bin/qpsh script that essentially loads all the environement variables and allows for the completion of command lines in bash (that is an AMAZING feature :)
Then, you need to known where you want to create your plugin, and what is the name of the plugin.
The plugins are NECESSARILY located in qp2/plugins/, and from there you can create any structures of directories.
Ex: If you want to create a plugin named “my_fancy_plugin” in the directory plugins/plugins_test/, this goes with the command
qp plugins create -n my_fancy_plugin -r plugins_test/
Then, to create the plugin of your dreams, the two questions you need to answer are the following:
What do I need to compute what I want, which means what are the objects that I need ?
There are two kind of objects:
the routines/functions:
Ex: Linear algebra routines, integration routines etc …
the global variables which are called the providers:
Ex: one-electron integrals, Slater determinants, density matrices etc …
Where do I find these objects ?
The objects (routines/functions/providers) are necessarily created in other modules/plugins.
See also
The routine lapack_diagd()
(which diagonalises a real hermitian matrix) is located in the file
therefore it “belongs” to the module utils
The routine ao_to_mo()
(which converts a given matrix A from the AO basis to the MO basis) is located in the file
therefore it “belongs” to the module mo_one_e_integrals
The provider ao_one_e_integrals
(which is the integrals of one-body part of H on the AO basis) is located in the file
therefore it belongs to the module ao_one_e_integrals
The provider one_e_dm_mo_beta_average
(which is the state average beta density matrix on the MO basis) is located in the file
therefore it belongs to the module determinants
To import all the variables that you need, you just need to write the name of the plugins in the NEED
file .
To import all the variables/routines of the module utils, determinants and mo_one_e_integrals, the NEED
file you will need is simply the following:
cat NEED
There are many routines/providers in the core modules of QP.
Nevertheless, as everything is coded with the IRPF90, you can use the following amazing tools: irpman
irpman can be used in command line in bash to obtain all the info on a routine or variable !
Example: execute the following command line :
irpman ao_one_e_integrals
Then all the information you need on ao_one_e_integrals
will appear on the screen.
This includes
where the provider is created, (i.e. the actual file where the provider is designed)
the type of the provider (i.e. a logical, integer etc …)
the dimension if it is an array,
what other providers are needed to build this provider,
what other providers need this provider.